Catch the culprit
With all suspected spider bites it is important to know which spider may have been responsible. Try to capture the spider without endangering anybody and take it to the doctor or hospital with you, or describe it carefully for identification.
With suspect spiders:
Katipo Spider Nz Redback Tailed Spider Nz White Tailed Spider Nz
Approach with caution – do not handle
you may wish to use a fly spray that claims to be effective on spiders to stun the spider before killing it and/or placing it in a sealed jar.
What to do if you think you have been bitten by a katipo or redback spider
If you suspect you have been bitten by a katipo or redback spider you need to seek urgent medical attention at your nearest hospital, medical centre or doctor. Even if you do not immediately experience symptoms beyond the ‘pin prick’ of the bite you still need medical advice.
clean the wound with antiseptic or warm soapy water
place ice on the bite (not directly onto the skin) prior to travelling.
apply pressure to the wound
consume alcohol after being bitten.
Do not panic as serious reactions are uncommon and unlikely to develop in less than three hours. Hospitals can provide safe and effective treatment. Venom is not always introduced with the bite. If it is, most reactions to the venom are moderate.
What to do if you think you have been bitten by a white-tailed spider
If you suspect you have been bitten by a white-tailed spider only simple first aid is necessary, as with any puncturing of the skin, as these spiders do not cause skin damage or ulcers:
clean the bite area with antiseptic or warm soapy water
place ice on the bite (not directly onto the skin) to reduce any pain or swelling.
For any suspected spider bite, see a doctor if the bite area becomes very red or painful, blisters, appears infected, or forms an ulcer.
Spiders in New Zealand cover.
Spiders in New Zealand
Available on HealthEd.
Safer and Healthier Gardening booklet thumbnail.
Safer and Healthier Gardening
Available on HealthEd.
Related websites
National Poisons Centre
The Poisons Centre has information on Spiders in New Zealand, including what to do if you are bitten by a redback or katipo spider. Contact the Poisons Centre on 0800 POISON (0800 764 766).
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
MAF has factsheets on redback and white-tailed spiders.
Related areas
If you have an ongoing problem with pests, or you want to defend your establishment against possible infestations, why not consider investing in a pest control maintenance contract with us at Royale Eco Cleaning Ltd.
If you have an ongoing problem with pests, or you want to defend your establishment against possible infestations, why not consider investing in a pest control maintenance contract with us at Royale Eco Cleaning Ltd.
The house mouse is the most commonly encountered and economically important of the commensal rodents, the Norway and roof/black rats being the other two. House mice are not only a nuisance, they damage/destroy materials by gnawing, and eat and contaminate stored food, they are also of human health importance as disease carriers or vectors. It is thought to be of Central Asian origin, but is now of world-wide distribution and found throughout New Zealand.
Adult with head and body length 2.5-3.5″ (6.5-9 cm), tail length 2 3/4-4″ (7-10.2 cm), weight about 1/2-1 oz (12-30 g). Fur smooth, colour usually dusty grey above and light grey or cream on belly (some mice light brown to dark grey above), but fur colour varies considerably from area to area or location to location regardless of living habits.
1. Gnaw marks. New gnawings or holes tend to be rough whereas, old gnawings are smooth from wear.
2. Droppings. Fresh droppings are soft and moist whereas, old droppings are dried and hard; house mouse’s about ‘1/8-1/4″ (3-6 mm) long, rod shaped, and with
pointed ends vs American cockroach about 1/8″ (3 mm) long and with ridges.
3. Tracks/footprints. Front foot 4-toed and print is in front of hind print with 5-toes. Fresh tracks are clear and sharp whereas, old tracks are at least partially
obscured by dust.
4. Rub marks are usually less noticeable and smaller in size than those of rats.
5. Burrows. Indoors they often nest in various materials such as insulation. If active, free of dust and cobwebs. Entrance usually with material packed/compressed, rub marks sometimes visible.
6. Runways. Frequently use the same paths, usually along walls, stacked merchandise, etc., and to interior objects. Active runways free of dust and
cobwebs, with fresh droppings. Tracks may or may not be visible.
7. Damaged goods. Mice prefer seeds or cereals.
The house mouse is a prolific breeder. They reach sexual maturity in 35 days. Pregnancy lasts an average of 19 days (range 18-21). The average litter size is 6 (range 5-8), with about 8 litters per year, but averaging 30-35 weaned/female/year. Therefore, a female can have a new litter about once every 40-50 days. More than 1 litter may be present in the nest at one time. Life expectancy is normally less than 1 year, but mice have been known to live as long as 6 years.
Over a 6-month period, a pair of mice will eat about 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of food, produce about 18,000 droppings, and void about 3/4 pint/12 oz. (355 ml) of urine.
The most common way mice transmit disease organisms is by contaminating food with their droppings and/or urine.
The most threatening organism spread by mice is Salmonella, a cause of food poisoning, spread via droppings. Other transmittable organisms include tapeworms via droppings, rat-bite fever via bites, infectious jaundice/leptospirosis/Weil’s Disease via urine in food or water, a fungus disease (Favus) of the scalp either by direct contact or indirectly via cats, plague and murine typhus via fleas, Rickettsial pox via the mite Liponyssoides sanguineus (Hirst), lymphocytic choriomeningitis via droppings, and possibly poliomyelitis (polio). Another problem is house mouse mite dermatitis which is caused by these mites when they feed on humans.
Mice are very social. Related males and females are compatible, but unrelated male mice are typically very aggressive toward one another. Social hierarchies with one male dominating lower-ranking males result in the maintenance of territories, which may
include a large number of females as well as lower-ranking males, most of which will be related. All mature mice tend to show aggression towards strangers of either sex that enter their territory, which is marked with urine.
Territory size varies but it is usually relatively small. If food and shelter are plentiful, they may not travel more than 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m) from their nests.
Mice are inquisitive. During the daily territorial patrol, they will explore anything new or changed, and establish new travel routes if needed. Mice are nibblers and eat only small amounts of food at any one time or place. Although mice will eat many kinds of food, seeds are usually preferred. There are 2 main feeding periods, at dusk and just before dawn, with many other “mini” feeding times in between. They will sample new foods but return to the old food unless the new food is preferred. Required moisture is normally obtained from their food but they will take free water when available, especially when feeding on high-protein food.
When given a choice, they prefer sweetened liquids over plain water.
Their preferred nesting sites are dark, secluded places where there is abundant nesting material nearby and little chance of disturbance. Nesting materials include paper products, cotton, packing materials, wall/attic insulation, fabrics, etc. Mice are nocturnal in habit. They require an opening of greater than 1/4″ (6 mm) to gain entry.
Spiders are most likely to enter your home in the autumn in search of a warm place to spend the winter.
This can be difficult for the millions of people who have a real fear of spiders.
Majority of spider infestations are more of an annoyance – particularly their webs. However, on occasions, more serious situations can occur, where there is potential for harm from their bites.
Professional Spider Service
Royale Eco Cleaning Ltd offers a ‘peace of mind’ spider inspection and monitoring service aimed at identifying specific spider species that may be harmful.
If a problem species is confirmed, advice will be given on the most suitable solutions for treatment.
Our team technicians are experienced in the field of spider control and provide a range of professional services.
Tips on Spider Removal
The most effective way to control spiders is to limit their food source. This should include clearing away dead flies, woodlice, and other crawling insects.
Vacuum regularly, high and low – particularly sheltered spots such as beneath worktops, backs of cupboards or under/behind large furniture.
Remove noticeable webs – on a regular basis.
Fill in gaps – in walls, around pipework and under doors to deter entry.
Remove sheltering sites – like firewood piles, garden bags, compost piles and general clutter from near your property.
Deter all insects – use lighting in a way that is less attractive to the insects (flies) that spiders feed on. Give us a call we are ready and waiting to give you a quote, looking forward to hearing from you. Royale Eco Cleaning Ltd.
Royale Eco Cleaning Ltd Services
Ants are one of the most difficult pests to deal with; the best way to deal with an ant infestation is to take the necessary steps from the beginning that will secure your home from them in the first place. Ants can be both a nuisance and a danger depending on the species of ant; some ants may hold venom which is harmful to children or those with allergies.
Types of Ants
Our services are the best possible solution for protection against ants of all types. We will easily establish contact with the intruder and assess the level and depth of the infestation. We will then take the necessary steps to return your business of home back to it optimal level of comfort and functionality.
Fire Ants – By far the meanest ant of the list and are considered to be very dangerous.
Argentine Ants – Dark brown ants.
Odorous Ants – As the names says, these ants are known for their foul smell.
House Ants – Completely harmless but unwanted none the less.
Acrobat Ants – Smaller sized colonies, they have a red head and black posterior.
Crazy Ants – Originating from S. America, their name follows their irrational movement patterns.
Pharaoh Ants – Common pests that are oftentimes found in institutions and hospitals.
Carpenter Ants – A large ant species and are known to chew through wood.
Sugar Ants – Large and named because of its love of sugar.
Our Ant Services Includes
Ant Infestation Elimination – We will eradicate any unwanted ants from your home with the safest and latest methods of elimination. Our well experienced professionals are top of the line handling jobs at all levels of infestation and prevention. We will hit ants hard where it hurts them most, in their nest and other places that are invisible to the naked eye. We will always take into full consideration the protection and safety of pets, children and any customers.
Ant Prevention – To keep the intruders at bay indefinitely we will take the necessary steps of prevention on a routine basis. This is the always the most important part of the process when stopping the invaders from taking another foot hold in your home. Any measures of prevention will always be performed by highly skilled experts.
Why Use Royale Eco Cleaning Ltd Service?
Ant problems can easily escalate to out of control proportions that are overwhelming. It’s important therefore to contact us immediately at the first time contact is made before they get out of control!
Call Morris 027 758 4269